Hello and welcome to the Leaders With A Heart Podcast, showcasing enlightened entrepreneurs, true and genuine Leaders With A Heart, building and running purposeful and impactful businesses around the world and in all areas. And to inspire other entrepreneurs to do good so that together, we can make this world a better and more positive world. One Heart Centered Entrepreneur at a time, one business at a time, one story at a time. I invite you on this journey with me and I salute you, my fellow Leader With A Heart, Let’s all do good and inspire others to do good. Your friend and host, Payman Lorenzo.

Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Greetings fellow Leaders With A Heart, In this episode, I'm talking with a true Enlightened Soul, Daniel Lamberth from Linköping, 2 hour south of Stockholm, Sweden. Daniel is an avid fisherman, married to a fantastic Brazilian woman and he's been working as a social worker for most of his adult life. Ten years in the corporate world and 6 years, running his own shelter to help honour oppression victims. His driving force is that he's always wanted to be part of other people's growth.
Daniel is a person who's truly and wholly in the service of others. What makes him happy is when he sees someone having a breakthrough and he's part of that breakthrough. While Daniel has been involved in social working for most of his adult life, the part that he's been the most involved is that of Honour Oppression victims. This is something that affects mostly women but men are not immune to it. Honour Oppression is a belief that in some parts of the world, that the community is more important than the individual and the group's honour is valued through keeping the women honourable. Which can lead to some tragic situations. Daniel has been working with Honour Oppression Victims and has been helping them overcome them and he talks about the process of doing so, getting them to relocate to another city and in most extreme cases, to change their identities. Which makes for a fascinating and touching conversation.
Daniel mentions that he's always been an empath by nature and as such, has been attracted towards helping people and we can see that in his words and through his actions. Now, he's on path to building a business where he helps procrastinators breaking free so they can have a greater impact. He's all about changing lives, inspiring people and making a positive impact in the lives of those that he serves. All of which make him a true Leader With A Heart.
Best way to connect with Daniel:
FB: Daniel Lamberth.
Website: www.daniellamberth.com

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Greetings Fellow Leaders With A Heart, in this episode, I'm talking with an incredible lady, Terri from beautiful Toowoomba, near Brisbane, Australia. We connected a couple of weeks ago on the Servicing Circle, a wonderful community where it's all about helping each other and being of service to others. Terri is one of the most beautiful souls I've talked to so far. She's full of joy, laughter and a positive energy that is very contagious.
She's as she nicely put it, first and foremost, a wife and a mother, a natural cheerleader for others and she's got a heart the size of the entire Australian Continent! The first part of her adult life, her entire focus was on raising their children and now that they are in their teens, she's pursuing what she always wanted: inspiring others to go after their dreams.
She's the founder of Ten Thousand Dreams, a purpose driven business and movement to inspire people to believe in themselves. She helps people to reconnect with their dreams, working with them through a process of change, so they can achieve their Broad Picture Vision.
The cause she's most passionate about is a very touching one, called Dolly's Dream, a local charity started after a 14 year old girl, Dolly, took her life as a result of being bullied in school. She's passionate about this cause because she also has a teenage daughter who was bullied in school but thankfully, her daughter didn't take her life. Terri actually went to school with Dolly's Mother. Bullying is unfortunately, a major concerns in schools in Australia.
However, Dolly's Dream is having a massive positive impact in Australia thankfully. Terri, being the awesome lady that she has has dropped some golden nuggets in regards to mindset what she has been doing to have truly remarkable transformation in her clients.
Give this a watch, you'll enjoy it as she's got an amazing personality and she has a beautiful heart and is truly, a Leader With A Heart.
Best way to connect with Terri:
Email: Terri@Tenthousanddreams.com.au
Facebook: Terri Adams-Munn.

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Greetings Fellow Leaders With A Heart, In This episode, I am talking with an incredible person, Mr. Roger Burnley. He's an intuitive, empowerment life purpose coach. He's a true survivor and has had to overcome all kinds of challenges. As a result of that, he has been helping people come to understand their importance in the world and their purpose and how to live it. He's had a calling to tell people and the world this information that he is being blessed with.
He believes that the constant lack of believe that we all have is due to the fact that we do not appreciate what we have done and who we are. He believes that every single one of us has been born to make a difference, to go through things and to learn lessons so that we can make a difference. However, what's stopping most of us is fear. He even wrote a book on that, called "Overcoming Fear." From his experience, the number one fear people have is fear of themselves.
Roger is an altruistic person with a heart of gold and who is on a mission to help people find their purpose and by doing so, to change, transform lives and at times, to save lives, literally as what happened to one of his students from the time he was working as a teacher in New York a few years ago! That story is truly beyond inspiring!
Roger is a wealth of knowledge, wisdom and experiences and he dropped tons of golden nuggets throughout this episode. One that stood to mine is "Everything that you want, is outside of what you now know."
Roger has been blessed by having wisdom and information being channeled to him through Automatic Writing. He's getting these through his higher self from the Spiritual World. He's been introduced to the works of Edgar Cayce when he was 19 by a family member!
All in all, this is a truly fascinating conversation with a fascinating man! I could talk with him for hours and we'll definitely have to do a follow up in a few weeks as there are still lots we haven't even talked about but which Roger would have a lot of insights into. Give this a watch, you'll thoroughly enjoy it!
Best way to connect with Roger:
Sites: www.rogerburnley.com

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Greetings Fellow Leaders With A Heart, In this episode, I'm talking with Anja, from Norway. Anja is an incredible young lady with a golden heart of a champion. She's a mindset coach, helping women live fulfilling lives and rewrite their limiting beliefs. Going through the divorce of her parents at a young age was very hard on her, leading to depression and not knowing what to do with her life.
Then, with the help of a therapist, she was able to overcome that and rewrite her own limiting beliefs so that she can live a fulfilling life. Starting a year ago, she started her coaching career and has been on a mission to help as many women overcome their depression, find clarity in what they truly want to do and help them do the same. She feels this has always been her mission, to help women live more meaningful lives according to their heart and not societal's expectations. Her motto, both in her personal and business life is about living with Love and spreading that approach to the world to inspire others.
The cause she's most passionate about is youth mental health. She loves talking at schools in her communities to inspire the youth. She wants to bring more awareness to the mental health of the youth, things that she wishes she knew when she was younger. So that these young people do not go through what she had to go through.
All in all, this is a short episode with a truly inspiring young lady, a true Leader With A Heart.
Best way to connect with Anja:
IG: Anja Bjerlin.
Youtube: Anja Bjerlin.
Website: https://anjabjerlin.com/

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Greetings Fellow Leaders With A Heart, In this episode, I am talking with an incredible lady, my new good friend Tracey Rampling Brown from Australia. She and her family relocated to Italy a few years ago. From the get go, we got along very well as we are talking from the same frequency and mindset, that of impact and of being of service.
We first started talking about the differences between Pizzas in Italy vs in Australia and somehow, the conversation moved towards pineapple on pizzas and whether Italians like it or not. Needless to say, we were laughing a lot! Talk about starting the conversation in a fun way! :) We then talked about the differences between how people manage the heat in Australia vs in Italy and differences between the Australian and Canadian winters.
Being an expat herself and myself having lived in various countries, we talked about cost of living in Italy vs Australia and how living outside of our home countries of Australia and Canada, we've been able to drastically increase the quality of our lives while drastically reducing the cost of living and most importantly, the stress level. We ponder as to why not more people are taking the leap to relocate from their countries to take advantage of geo-arbitrage where your money goes much further in so called developing countries. We also talk about one of the most valuable lessons that traveling and living abroad has taught us and that is to value what's truly important: our health, our time and our relationships as opposed to materialist things.
We had such an awesome talk about life in general and as an expat in particular that we only got to talk about her business towards the 1 hour mark! She's a Multipotentialite, The Coach for Multipotentialites & Multi-passionate Women, a tarot and oracle reader, reiki practitioner, Certified Moonologer, author and ghostwriter, wife, mother of two incredible (or incredibly challenging?) teenagers, and devoted slave to her Bengal cat, Maple!
All in all, this is one of the most enjoyable conversations I've had on my podcast where we talk about heart centered leadership to pineapples on pizzas in Italy, living abroad, cost of living differences between Italy, Australia, Canada and Asia, moonlogy, destiny reading, etc. Grab a cold or hot drink depending on where in the world you may be, make yourself comfortable and enjoy! :)
Best way to connect with Tracey:
FB: Vibrant Coach.
IG: Vibrant Coach.
Linkedin: Tracey Rampling Brown.
Clubhouse: Tracey Rampling.
Email: Hello@Vibrantcoach.com
Website: www.vibrantcoach.com

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Episode 47: Karlee Welder: Reignite Your Purpose+Find Fulfillment In A Holistic Way.
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
In this episode, I'm talking with Karlee Welder from Kelowna, BC, Canada. She was referred to me by a lady I had on my podcast not long ago, Marry Gooden, a true Leader With A Heart. She's. huge nature fan, a yogi, she started recently teaching yoga in the local parks as a way to give back to local communities. She's into health and wellness and holistic healing, health and fitness and spirituality and meditating and she loves cooking, where she is an expert in healthy cooking, specially vegan meals. Karlee has a background in holistic nutrition.
She's really good at helping people getting the most out of their day, to squeeze things in. She teaches conscious transformation where she helps people become better versions of themselves. She has a 4 step approach to achieving that: 1) Intuitive Conscious Living Method, 2) Looking Into Their Programming, 3) Overcoming Limiting Beliefs and 4) Spirituality, Personal Growth, Manifesting & Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind.
We talk about the power of asking the right questions, specially the toughest she's had to ask herself and that is what is the worst case scenario if she were to go for her dreams? And by asking that powerful question, she realized that the worst case scenario is not that bad actually and that we do not need that much money to live and to follow our dreams.
Her goal is to start conscious schools in third world countries to teach kids that their thoughts create their reality.
Best way to connect with Karlee:
IG: The Awakened Rocks.
Personal FB: https://www.facebook.com/karlee.welder
Her FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reigniteyourpurposeandfindfulfillment/

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
In this episode, I'm talking with my good friend, Rico. We've known each other for a number of years now and met a few times while I was living in China and Hong Kong. Rico is originally from Zambia, his family moved to the US and then to Canada when was a young boy. While in College, he knew. that he wouldn't work for someone else so he set up on a path of entrepreneurship by going to China.
While there, he started as an English Teacher and then, made contacts and get into the entrepreneurial scene and despite the challenges there, he stuck to it and built a successful business with his partner where now he is the CEO of Source Find Asia, a firm that specializes in manufacturing and sourcing. After a few years of doing that very successfully, he's just hosted a few days ago, the first Manufacturing And E-Commerce Digital Summit where he has had world class experts in key areas of Manufacturing and E-Commerce speak. He's also launching now, a platform where entrepreneurs can have access to high level courses and content on these topics.
It's a fun talk as Rico is an interesting man, having lived and traveled extensively since he was a kid and having built a successful business at an early age while living in Asia. We talk about his beginnings, his upbringing, his move to China, how he almost returned back after almost running out of money and yet he stuck it and the rest is History as they say. This is an inspiring episode for anyone who is looking at becoming an entrepreneur and what it takes to make and also, the upside is a lifestyle, freedom second to none. We also cover the differences in lifestyles between Asia and North America, specially, Toronto, Canada, as we are both from Toronto. We talk about how you can drastically upgrade your lifestyle in Asia for a fraction of what you'd spend just barely surviving in Canada.
Make yourself comfortable and watch this one, it's a fun conversation with an inspiring person with a heart of gold, a true Leader With A Heart.
Best way to connect with Rico:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/sourcefindasia/

Saturday Mar 12, 2022
Saturday Mar 12, 2022
In this episode, I'm talking with Ahli, an incredible human being with a heart the size of the Galaxy and a warm geniune smile that is contagious. She's an empath, a Godpreneur, a mental health advocate, an open adoption advocate, a motivational speaker and a former Gypsy. But most importantly, an incredible human being. She's on a mission to bring back genuine hospitality back into the hospitality industry. Her motto is "Show up to show out and being the best you can be in whatever you choose to be in that moment." She's a lover of life, professional overcomer of obstacles and she's got a beautiful heart.
She's a professional overcomer of obstacles as she has had a lot to overcome: depression, a suicide attempt, an unwanted pregnancy and child, giving up her child for adoption. And seeing this child grow and blossom into a wonderful boy is very touching. This is one of the most authentic, genuine and heart to heart conversation I've had in a long time as Ahli wears her heart on her sleeve literally. There were some emotional moments, even at one time, she was moved to tears, but it was beautiful listening to her being so transparent. Her story is truly inspiring!
She's a Godpreneur, in that everything she does, she does it from a perspective of faith. She's a former Gypsy where she lived for three and a half years in a van, on purpose and that was quite a journey by itself. She was sick and tired of the non sense of the corporate world, quit her job, and bought a van to live a simple and minimalistic life which was not only an amazing experience but it also taught her an invaluable lesson: that we do not need most of the stuff we have around us and in the house.
This was an incredible episode with an equally wonderful woman who wears all heart on her sleeves and has a smile and laugh that are contagious and heart warming. We had a heart to heart conversation, inspiring, humbling, at times raw and at other times, emotional but all of that made for a very beautiful discussion. I loved talking to her, her passion, energy, happiness, positive vibe and vision are truly contagious. You will thoroughly enjoy this one, so don't miss it! :)
Best way to connect with Ahli:
Website: www.Ahlilove.com

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
Tuesday Mar 08, 2022
In this episode, I'm talking with Nidhi Bhatia. She was referred to me by her brother, Vineet Bhatia, whom I had on my podcast not long ago. Dhini is a young British woman of Indian Heritage. Growing up in an Indian family environment, the expectations were of her to become either of a Doctor, Lawyer or Engineer. None of which really appealed to her. She set on to follow her heart and find her path.
Along the way, a few years ago, she wrote a book, titled "I Dumb" which is a humours take on what it takes to be a human being on this planet. Which was the first thing in her life that she was really proud of so much so that she used to read her book every night. Then she got into coaching as a way to sort her life first so to speak and then to help others. We talk about the importance of helping everyone vs helping a very specific person with a very specific issue and in the process, helped her narrow down her ideal client avatar.
All in all, this is yet another very fun conversation with a lady with a big and beautiful heart and a wonderful mission.
Best way to connect with Nidhi: Website: www.threshold.today
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nidhi.bhatia.547

Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Episode 43 Mary Gooden: Serve Love & Help Others Find Their Soul’s Destiny & Mission.
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
In this episode, I'm talking with an incredible lady, Mary Gooden. She's a servant, helping others find their way, she's a soul mastery coach and in her words, "she is LOVE", she is here to get us to a place of unconditional love. She had the calling for that from as early as 7-8 years old where she wanted to be a shining star. Not a Hollywood start but the brightest shining light for however she needed to be and whoever she needed to be in order to share her gift with the world. Since then, her path has been a beautiful adventure.
She's also the CEO & Founder of Divine Destiny Publishing where she publishes books to inspire women to connect with their real purpose and passion. And most importantly, she has an incredibly heart and a shining soul. All proceeds and royalties through Divine Destiny Publishing of all multi authored projects go to charities.
This is a fun conversation with an inspiring lady with a golden heart and a beautiful mission which I had a total blast and so will you. Give this a watch, you'll be glad you did. :)
Best way to connect with Mary:
Email: yogaetc.boutte@yahoo.com
Website: www.yogaetcboutte.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mary.s.gooden