Hello and welcome to the Leaders With A Heart Podcast, showcasing enlightened entrepreneurs, true and genuine Leaders With A Heart, building and running purposeful and impactful businesses around the world and in all areas. And to inspire other entrepreneurs to do good so that together, we can make this world a better and more positive world. One Heart Centered Entrepreneur at a time, one business at a time, one story at a time. I invite you on this journey with me and I salute you, my fellow Leader With A Heart, Let’s all do good and inspire others to do good. Your friend and host, Payman Lorenzo.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
In this episode, I the pleasure of connecting with very talented and multi skill man, Jay Lee. Wow! Jay is truly unique and an inspiration. Not only from his achievements but also as a human being with an incredible heart!
Professional musician, former pastor, does Brazilian Jujitsu, plays the guitar like the very best and can sing a mean song just to name a few! For 15 years as a pastor and evangelist, he traveled around the world preaching the Word of God where in the process he had 40,000 conversations of faith, trained 5,000 people and converted around 10,000 people! Which is a very good closing rate!
Speaking of closing rate, he's a very sought after closer for high ticket offers working with some of the biggest names in the industry. However, it wasn't always that rosy. He had some very rough times where at one point working as a pastor with less than a thousand dollars per month, both his debit and credit cards were declined at a supermarket buying groceries and having to explain to his kids why he had to put down the pops and candies.
However, it was that very challenging and humbling moment that was the spark that got him to go after his real passion and help people. The secret to his success in sales is not to sell or use any sales scripts but to LISTEN, to empathize with the person he's talking to and to help the person as much as possible. Using this approach, he's now generating over 6 figures PER MONTH!
We had a candid conversation where we covered many aspects and in the process, Jay dropped some absolute GOLD nuggets! This is one episode you do not want to miss!
Jay can be reached best on Facebook, Jay Lee. On his website at: www.gosalesninja.com and on

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Episode 21: Trish Bishop, True Power Comes Through Empowering Others.
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
In this Episode, I'm having a wonderful person as a guest, Trish Bishop. She's got a tremendous story and an even more beautiful mission for which she's very passionate. Her mission is to heal the corporate workplaces one leader at a time. She does this by teaching leaders how to create massive transformation for themselves, their teams and their organizations by learning how to read and interpret energetic information.
Trish is now an Energy Integration Coach helping leaders create massive transformation by learning to read and interpret energetic information. She is also the author of The Question Journey, a powerful book of questions that most people want to avoid because they know these questions will mean change!
One key point in that conversation with her is that one crucial mistake we make since childhood is that of repressing our intuition and instead to be "nice and polite". Our intuition, is one of the single greatest skills we are blessed with as it's a way of direct communication with God and the Universe. A lot of times, following our intuition can not only show us what to do, make the right decision but also and most importantly, what not to do.
We had a very fun conversation on a range of topics, including the state of the current education system, a better approach to that and a host of other important as well as the importance of being of service to others and other fascinating topics. This is one talk that is fun, entertaining and highly informative as well.
It was evident from the very first interaction with her that she is an Enlightened Entrepreneur with a big heart and a true Leader With A Heart.
Best way to reach Trish is on her website:

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Special Episode: Cryptos Are Like The Gold Rush Of The 21st Century!
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
In this episode, I am talking about something that in today's age, we cannot afford to ignore any longer and that is Cryptocurrencies. I actually plan on creating a sub section to this podcast, called Cryptos With A Heart where I'll be bringing Crypto experts and picking their brain on it.
For the first episode on Cryptos, I invited my good friend Lynn Plata as she has been on a journey to not only educate herself about cryptos but also has been having great results with investing in them. We covered a lot of topics related to cryptos and Lynn dropped some golden nuggets throughout this talk. So much that I had to watch it again and take notes as I've learned a lot myself from it!
As Lynn puts it, "cryptos are like the Gold Rush of the 21st century, where people can make generational amounts of money." This is one episode you definitely need to watch and watch again. Financial education is our responsibility and it starts with videos like these!
Lynn can be contacted at:

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Greetings guys, in this episode, I talk with Osman Ukumus. He is a coach helping people overcome mental limits and barriers. He does that with applied psychology, NLP and hypnotherapy. He helps his clients go to the root cause of their mental block, whether it's belief in themselves, financial or emotional. We had a really interesting talk on identifying the deep root cause of a mental block. He goes in details about his method, including his thoughts on hypnotherapy and past life regressions as well as accessing the Akashic Records which is a topic that I find truly fascinating!
Osman is successful in his professional life as well as having a beautiful heart. He's passionate about helping orphan kids in war torn. His vision is to open a centre and help the orphans not only get a chance at education but also at a normal life later on through teaching them invaluable life, professional and social skills.
This is a beautiful talk, one you may not want to miss as Osman has a beautiful heart and is a true Leader With A Heart and has a wonderful vision.
Best way to connect with Osman:
His Website: www.breakingmentallimits.com
His Email: info@breakingmentallimits.com

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
I just had an incredible podcast with a man with a hear the size of the Sun! Max is a Singaporean who after traveling around Asia, decided to call Chiang Mai, Thailand, his home. He started traveling with little to no money and was able to continue traveling thanks to the kindness and generosity of people he met alone the way, especially in Thailand.
Once he settled in Thailand, he decided to pay it forward by helping underprivileged kids around the city of Chiang Mai, in Northern Thailand. He has been running with his wife, a small farm where a big chunk of what he makes from it, both money and the eggs and chickens, donates them to temples hosting street kids and underprivileged kids. He has created along the way an organization called Care 108 where he is paying it forward by helping those less fortunate ones. On that site, he can have people donate whatever they feel comfortable with from as low as $5USD. All proceeds from that site are used to buy food for those kids.
As you watch this episode, you'll learn that Max has an incredibly contagious energy that is all about happiness and bringing happiness to those less fortunates. As he perfectly put it, some of the best things in life do not cost any money: time spent with someone, giving them an apple or playing with them. This is what happiness is about, to see the people around you happy. All in all, Max is a Leader With A Heart in the purest form! A truly incredibly inspiring story!
Best way to reach Max is on his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/summermax
By Email: justaskmax@gmail.com
To Support Max And His Organization Through The buymeacoffee Platform: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/care10
By email: justaskmax@gmail.com
For those who want to donate directly to Max for his organization, here's the Paypal link: paypal.me/care108

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Episode 17: Damon McDonald: Power Of Belief In Yourself
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Greetings guys, this is a very special interview, an incredible man from Australia, Damon McDonald. What was supposed to be a 30 minute call turned into an almost 3 hour talk, on and off the record. Damon has an incredible story and even more incredible journey. After a life of following society's script, it took him a heart attack to finally follow his true passion.
From a very early age, there's been a recurring theme in his life: that of belief in himself or rather, lack of thereof. With the exception of biking around Australia for 6 years of pure bliss in his 20's, everything he tried after that, there was something that was always holding him back, that lack of belief that he never had. That led him down a path of a divorce, depression, a couple of suicide attempts and finally, a hart attack while biking in Cambodia. That was a second birth, a renaissance that allowed him to finally realize that it was time to go after his real purpose and passion and that's what he's been set out to do ever since. Now, he's working on launching a trilogy of books and other related items in order to inspire kids to believe in themselves.
His mission is to inspire 1 BILLION children worldwide to be empowered and to believe in themselves. This is a truly fascinating conversation with an incredible man with a heart of gold. He dropped some absolute gems of wisdom that you do not want to miss! This is one of my favourite conversations so far! Damon is a true Leader With A Heart, in the PUREST sense!
Damon can be reached at:

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Greetings guys, I have a really special guest, my good friend Steven Selikoff. Steven is an incredible man, a wealth of knowledge in terms of manufacturing, product designing, launching products, negotiations, getting a product into retail and E-Commerce in general. He's a very accomplished man, a highly sought after speaker at some of the biggest E-Commerce, Amazon FBA and Manufacturing conferences around the world. But most importantly, he has a heart of gold and a true Leader With A Heart as you'll see throughout this episode.
This episode is not about his professional accomplishments, there are already tens if not hundreds of podcasts where he covers all of that in great lengths. This podcast is about going deep into who he is at the core and talking about heart, impact, helping those in need, gratefulness and what truly really matters in life.
He shares with us a lot of wisdom, one of which came after a realization he had right after having had a heart attack! Very very powerful stuff!
Grab your favourite drink and get ready for an episode that will expand your mind and consciousness with a man like no others out there.
Steven can be reached at:
Website: www.productdevelopmentacademy.com Email: Steven@productdevelopmentacademy.com

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Episode 15: Meghla Bhardwaj The Queen Of Sourcing From India.
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
In this episode I have a doozy for you guys, my good friend Meghla. Before starting this podcast, I had made a list of the people I wanted to interview and Meghla was at the very top of that list as she is a true Leader With A Heart!
Meghla is one of the most influential ladies in the E-Commerce/Amazon FBA scene. She's the organizer/host of one of the biggest E-Commerce/Amazon FBA conferences in the world, Global Sources Summit, held twice annually in Hong Kong. She's also the founder of Sourcing Trips From India. But most importantly, she is a true Enlightened Entrepreneur with a heart of gold!
We talk about who she is, her story and how she got into E-Commerce and Amazon FBA, the differences and benefits between sourcing from India vs China, the incredible opportunities that India represents for anyone looking to source truly unique products. As well as all the amazing things she's doing to help those in need.
During her first India Sourcing Trip, for every person that attended the trip, she sponsored a year of schooling for a kid in New Delhi, India. Her vision is to help as many underprivileged kids as possible as she believes that education is the real key to helping underprivileged children to escape poverty. As you watch this episode, you will see that this is a lady who has built her life around impact first and foremost. And that is the ultimate sign of a true Leader With A Heart!
If you're looking for inspiration, then this is one episode you do not want to miss!
Meghla can be reached on her India Sourcing Trip Facebook Page where is
very active: https://www.facebook.com/indiasourcingtrip/

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
In this episode, I talk with Gabriel, an Argentinian entrepreneur living in Israel. Gabriel has a very interesting story. We talk about how he ended up moving to Israel, how it is living in Israel as well as the entrepreneurial and start up scene there.
Gabriel is also developing his own brand of very unique watches, a watch for night owls, which he is going to launch through crowdfunding soon. This is a very interesting talk as Gabriel as a truly unique story, a big vision and an even bigger heart, making him a true Leader With A Heart.
Gabriel can be reached by Emailat Gabriel@pm-watches.com
Link to his site: https://pm-watches.com/?fbclid=IwAR1k37d9dHMRRYZh5PSgI5fg17n0gWe06KpdxCGolRWLfhCurdFrkevqeho

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Episode 13 Ralph S, Founder Of Silverlight, The World‘s Best Hiking Socks!
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
In this episode, I talk with a good friend of mine, Ralph. Ralph is an entrepreneur from Germany, whom I met and got to know while I was living in Hong Kong 2 years ago. He's got a great story. He built and successfully sold a brand on Amazon around a product which while was doing really well, he wasn't passionate about. After that, he decided to start a business around his real passion, hiking. So he set out to manufacture the best hiking socks in the world. He successfully crowdfunded that in the summer of 2019 and now he's built that into a thriving business.
Most importantly, Ralph is a person with a great heart. As an avid hiker himself, saving the environment is something that he is very passionate about. For every pair of his awesome hiking socks he sells, he plants a tree. Last year, in 2020 alone, his business has planted 5700 trees and he's on the way to double that in 2021! Needless to say that Ralph is a true Leader With A Heart.
Ralph can be reached at: https://silverlight.store
Email: ralph@silverlight.store.