Hello and welcome to the Leaders With A Heart Podcast, showcasing enlightened entrepreneurs, true and genuine Leaders With A Heart, building and running purposeful and impactful businesses around the world and in all areas. And to inspire other entrepreneurs to do good so that together, we can make this world a better and more positive world. One Heart Centered Entrepreneur at a time, one business at a time, one story at a time. I invite you on this journey with me and I salute you, my fellow Leader With A Heart, Let’s all do good and inspire others to do good. Your friend and host, Payman Lorenzo.

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, I'm talking with Tyson Sharpe from beautiful Melbourne, Australia. He's got a heart the size of the Sun. He's the founder of the Serving Circle. He's got an inspiring story and an even more beautiful mission: helping people to integrate their spiritual & business growth. One of the ways he does that is through meditation as that's what provides the resourcefulness for the business strategies.
We talk about his approach as well as the power of surrendering to the outcome you want which an incredibly powerful approach. He shares some truly inspirational examples of people who have used this approach and have attained incredible results.
He works with lightworkers or heart-centered business owners and help them to tap into the infinite wisdom of their spiritual side to build powerful, impactful businesses. This is one episode you do not want to miss as Tyson is very genuine in his intentions and approach and you can feel that as he talks with passion about what he is building.
Best way to connect with Tyson:
The Serving Circle On Facebook.
His Website: www.tysoncoaching.com
His Podcast: Awaken Your Business.

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 31 Carolyn Wellington: Only One Person Can Change Your Life, YOU!
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, I'm talking with a truly inspiring lady with a golden heart, Carolyn Wellington. She's an award-winning life coach, mentor and therapist, based in the UK and regular health & wellness writer for Arizona Foothills Magazine and executive contributor for Brainz. She has a simple yet powerful philosophy, which is "There’s only one person who can. Change your life, you."
She's got a fascinating story, a path filled with turns and twists with great lessons. From the first words, it became obvious that she's a an amazing human being with a beautiful heart. So much so that she has her own charitable organization, the Belize Youth Sports Network as she has a deep connection and affinity with Belize.
Thus it was not difficult to have a heart to heart conversation with her covering a host of topics. This is definitely one episode you do not want to miss as she is not only a true Leader With A Heart but most importantly, a true Enlightened Soul.
Best way to connect with Carolyn:
Website: https://www.carolynwellington.com/
Email: info@carolynwellington.com
Facebook: Inspiration For A Better Life.

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 30 Ana Malovrh: Transforming People’s Lives Through Their Style.
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Greetings fellow Leaders With A Heart, in this episode I'm having a very fun and beautiful conversation with a wonderful lady from Slovenia, Ana. She's a gentle empath, a passionate high performer and a fierce maverick. In other words, an explosively wonderful mix!
Even tough it was the first time we talked, it was as if two old friends were chatting and it was one of the most enjoyable conversations I've had as it was a true heart to heart talk. And this is what this podcast is all about: to connect at the heart level with Enlightened Entrepreneurs and Enlightened Souls to share their beautiful message so that together we can inspire other entrepreneurs to do good with their businesses.
Ana helps transforming people's lives through their style. She helps her clients attract prosperity through their signature style uniquely tailor made for each person based on their personality. So that they can see and reach their full and true real talent and potential.
This is one episode you do not want to miss as it's not only very enjoyable but also very informative and she has a beautiful message: transforming people's lives through their style.
Best way to connect with Ana:
FB: Ana Malovrh or Ana In Style.
Website: www.Chooseyoursignaturestyle.com
IG: Ana.In.Style

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 29 Maria Tecce: Helping People Look & Sound Like A Million Bucks.
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, I'm chatting with Maria Tecce, a very talented lady as she is an actor, a singer and a voice coach. She's on a mission to help people look, sound and feel like a million bucks. Maria helps senior executives and powerful women own their voice, own their story and own their space when they speak. So that they can show up as confident, clear, passionate speakers and communicators and make a difference in their business and the lives of those around them.
This is a fun conversation as Maria is an awesome person to talk to. She's got a beautiful mission and an equally beautiful heart to match it. She is a very passionate person, specially about helping others find their voice so that they can tell story in a powerful, convincing and passionate way. Oh and she's got an amazing voice and she does give us a glimpse of her singing voice at the end of the podcast. You definitely may want to watch this one as it's a very fun conversation with an awesome lady.
Best way to connect with Maria: www.mariatecce.com

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 28 Angelica Umali: Empowering Leaders With A Higher Consciousness.
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, I am talking with Angelica from the Philippines. She's got an incredible story and a powerful mission, but most importantly, a big heart. Her extensive international corporate experience with people from around the world has given her a unique perspective on life and the foundation of her spiritual awakening. Her deep hunger for the deeper meaning of life and its purposes has led her to seek certification as a Life Coach at the Wisdom Institute For Leadership & Global Advancement (WILGA). She is very passionate about Transforming Consciousness in Business, helping leaders to achieve a deep, meaningful and sustainable impact to society.
Given her deep knowledge of spirituality, I couldn't help but ask her questions about some of the deeper meaning of life. We talked about some truly fascinating topics: karma, life after death, reincarnation, healing the soul for our next life among others. Needless to say, I was sitting on the edge of my seat!
This is definitely one episode you do not want to miss as not only she's a true Leader With A Heart but also an Enlightened Soul with a wealth of knowledge and wisdom. This is what I LOVE about podcasting, the opportunity to connect with incredible people from around the world!
Best way to connect with Angelica is:
Email: Angelica@angelicaumali.com
Linkedin: Angelica Umali.

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 27 Leighann Joseph: Living Loud With Purpose, Confidence And Joy.
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, I'm chatting with Leighann Joseph, from beautiful Nova Scotia, Canada. She's got a beautiful mission, that of to double the number of women in senior management positions living fulfilled and happy lives by tapping into their potential. She has a programme, called the Live Loud Coaching Program, which is is three months focused on leveraging Emotional Intelligence to get women promoted, loving who they are, and geared up for more adventures.
While her mission is beautiful, the best part is that as a result of living in 5 countries in the Middle East and Africa, she's got a tremendous understanding and appreciation for the cultures and people from these backgrounds. She's championing the cause of equality and diversity as she perfectly puts is, it's a pity to leave some of the people on the bench so to speak, whether they be women, blacks or any other type of people because of discrimination. Most importantly, she has a heart of a gold and is a true Leader With A Heart.
Best way to connect with Leighann is on Linkedin: Leighann Joseph or on her website: www.livingloudcoaching.com

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, I'm talking with Lily Woi. She is a talented lady with a heart of gold from Malaysia and has been living for the past 10 years in London. She works in career confidence and leadership development, supporting individuals to accelerate in their careers in an authentic way and be able to show up as an unapologetic and empowered leader.
I really enjoyed talking to her as she is a very down to earth person. She dropped a lot of value bombs such as when it doubt over what to do, just ask yourself one power question: "Would I regret NOT doing?" Other gems: "Have faith in everything you do, as everything will be alright." And so many more! This is definitely one podcast that was very fun doing!
Lily can be reached at on Linkedin: Lily Woi, or on her website: www.LilyWoiCoaching.com

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 25 Haseena Shaheed Jackson: Seeing Growth As An Adventure With New Eyes.
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, I'm talking with an incredibly inspiring lady, Haseena Shaheed Jackson. She's a very successful leader, an acclaimed author, trainer, coach and speaker and most importantly, a true Enlightened Soul.
She is the author of 3 books to date, Created to Soar, Reflections Within and Messages from the Spirit wit the 4th one on the way. Her mission is to partner with business leaders, owners and entrepreneurs helping them to view growth as an adventure. Mrs. Shaheed-Jackson is an expert at helping others to see with new eyes.
In our conversation, she dropped a lot of golden nuggets and wisdoms on key aspects such as how to focus on your mission while shutting down all the noise and distractions out there as well as listening to your heart and to your intuition. She's going to be hosting a virtual summit in the next few months, details to come on her website (www.hsjackson.com).
Best way to connect with Haseena is through her website at www.hsjackson.com

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
In this episode, I am chatting with Vineet from London, UK. Vineet is a heart minded person and has been teaching emotional intelligence to people for the past 9 years. He is the creator of Natural Business philosophy, he runs a training and consultancy supporting entrepreneurs to tap into their business genius. He is on a mission to shift the Human Psyche and it shows.
While talking with him, it was obvious that not only he is very passionate about his mission but also that he has a big heart. He dropped a ton of golden nuggets. Two that stood out for me are, when he said that he has a habit of blessing people silently and quietly. The second is when he said that when you are helping and serving someone, you are in a way, serving yourself as everything and everyone is connected. These are just 2 from a myriad of such incredible insights that he shared in this episode. This is one fascinating episode that you do not want to miss!
Best way to connect with Vineet: www.Naturalbusiness.org

Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 23 Jaswant Kaur: Helping, Inspiring & Empowering The Poorest In India.
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Thursday Dec 23, 2021
Episode 35 of the Leaders With A Heart podcast is one for the ages! I've been blessed to have connected over the past few months with truly amazing, inspiring and incredible individuals with golden hearts. However, the guest on this episode takes it to a whole new level. Jaswant Kaur is the Exectutive Director of Deepalaya, an NGO in India which has a beautiful mission to help, inspire and empower the most neediest people in India. Deepalaya, has a beautiful and very fitting meaning in Hindi, (Deep meaning House and Alaya, meaning Light or House of Light!).
Indeed, for the past 40 years, Deepalaya, has been a shiny beacon of hope, a true House of Light for the less fortunate ones in India. Through running multiple projects around the country in key sectors of society: Education, Healthcare, Skills Development, Empowering Women and Providing an opportunity for a normal life to street kids and orphans in various areas in India.
Jaswant has an incredible story. She was herself given a decisive help by a kind gentleman who sponsored her education at a time of great challenge where she couldn't afford to do so herself while in College after a family tragedy following the death of her father. To which she has been forever grateful to that man's incredible gesture of kindness and generosity.
Sometimes, gestures that may seem insignificant to us, can mean the world and be life changing for someone in need at the right time. This has been her mission and this is the mission of Deepalaya. This is one very candid, heart to heart and fun conversation with not only a true Leader With A Heart, but most importantly with an Enlightened Soul, Jaswant.
Make yourself comfortable and watch this, you'll fully enjoy it. :)
Best way to connect with Jaswant is by email: Jaswant@deepalaya.org,
Their website is www.deepalaya.org